Piccolo Chem PRO

Piccolo Chem โ€“ Small Outside, Big Inside

The newest analyzer in the Gesan family of instruments could only be called โ€œPiccolo.โ€ Itโ€™s the smallest analyzer with the greatest potential in the category,ideal for daily routine and special routine. Evolution has led to an user interface with a touch screen display and the QRCODE reader integrated into the camera body. The analyzer weighs just 19 kg and it can ensures up to 150 tests/hour. Piccolo Chem is suggested for clinical chemistry and turbidimetry; system reagents methods are preinstalled and validated, and it has open channels with barcode bottles.

Piccolo Chem is also available in the VET version in association with dedicated reagents and bardcode bottles. Piccolo Chem VET has customizable report for species of animals, itโ€™s easy to use and permits to create different profiles, like general, pre-operation, post-operation, hepatic, renal and metabolic.
Remote diagnostic control allows service staff to resolve errors quickly and efficiently without an on-site visit.